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servicio de neuropsicología


área infantil

Dra. Paula Irueste.

Director of the Neuropsychology Service, Children's Area.

Paula Irueste is the Director of the Neuropsychology Service, Children's Area, of the Faculty of Psychology, UNC, created in 2015 by a postdoctoral grant from the UNC Secretariat for Science and Technology. In this Service, early detection of both behavior and learning problems and High Intellectual Abilities (ACI) in childhood is carried out.

His background includes a Degree in Psychology and a Doctorate in Health Sciences from the National University of Córdoba, Argentina. She also works as a professor in the subjects of Clinical Psychology and Psychological Clinic and Psychotherapies, of the Degree in Psychology. As a result of his doctoral thesis, he specialized in the field of high intellectual abilities. She obtained the title of university expert in diagnosis and education of the most capable students, awarded by UNED, Spain. In addition, she is a collaborating professor at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC), Spain, where she is one of the managers of a course on students with high abilities in the classroom. Likewise, she is the current academic responsible for the undergraduate and postgraduate courses in this field at the Faculty of Psychology, UNC, Córdoba, Argentina.

Director- Director

-Dra. Paula G. MP 5808.


 Lic Pamela Mazza. MP: 10738

Lic. Contino Daiana. M.P. 13342

 Lic. Evelyn Alejandra Maidana. M.P: 13456

Guest Professionals

Macarena Scarafia.  MP: 13880.

Melina A. F. GIaccaglia. MP: 14158.

Julieta F. De Bonis. MP: en trámite.
Romina Muñoz - MP en trámite.

Exit section, Supervised Research Practice (PSI ) -Exit section.

Schaer, Paola Daniela.

Camila Rassetto.
Jimena Jacquat. 
Andrea F. Muratore.

The Neuropsychology Service, Children's Area is, in Argentina, the only associated talent point of the network of the European Council on High Skills (ECHA).

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